I didn't get the chance to do any finishing work on it, but it stitched up right quick -- I did it in under 2 hours. Now, I know my stitching friends are out there going, "Well of course you did it in under 2 hours, Stitchy McSpindlefingers!! It'll take me three times as long!" Nay, I say to you, my good friends. You, too, can have this stitched up in a short amount of time. I promise!
Paulette leaves the color choices up to you for this lovely little small. I chose WDW Scuppernong and Collards for the greens, and DMC ecru for the centers of the dark green (Collards) shamrocks. The fabric is 32 count cream linen. A-dorable. I can't wait to finish it so I'll have it ready to go for next year's St. Patty's Day celebration!
Sticky McSpindleFingers!? I laughed out loud at 7am and had Yiayia coming in like, "what the hell are you laughing at this early!?" hahahaha.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day to my friend who should be Irish, or Welsch -or something! ;) hehe
Adorable patterns-I ran right over to the sight and downloaded it! thanks for the link, mama!
"I did it in under 2 hours....You, too, can have this stitched up in a short amount of time. I promise!"
We shall see! 1)I still haven't finished the beading on the "short" for Lyn's daughter. 2) You remember that knitting kick I was on? Well...that passed. 3) I have yet to start the design for my sister's kitchen.
PS-I love that design. Nice color choices!
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